
Podcast Industry Blog

Ivo Matić is a designer. He specializes in visual branding and yet, some of his favorite projects start with no visual references …

A public podcast is just that: public. You can find public podcasts in places like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, distributed using publicly …

Microphones seem very simple to use. You point it at the sound source, set an appropriate gain level, and just hit record, …

Consider this scenario. A diver plunges into the depths of murky waters, he struggles to make his way in the darkness, unsure …

Last week, I was talking to a Pacific Content client about their podcast’s release cadence. “How often should we release new episodes?” …

If you’ve heard of the sunk cost fallacy, confirmation bias, or the availability heuristic, you know something about the science of decision-making, otherwise known as behavioral …

Sometimes the extra oomph that makes a podcast awesome comes from the most unexpected places. Melanie Green, host, and producer at Pacific …

Most humans interact with sound on a subconscious level. As an audio engineer and sound designer, I’ve never interacted with anything more …

A Q&A with Chartable’s co-founder and CEO Dave Zohrob This new feature on Chartable aims to analyze if your podcast listeners are …

I recently spoke at Radiodays Asia, a conference that explores the future of radio and podcasts — both from a creative/ editorial as …