
Podcast Industry Blog

While some awards shows, like the Oscars, have stopped saying “the winner is,” at podcast awards shows like the Ambies, they still say you …

A few months ago, I decided to draw a map of podcast neighbourhoods. To begin, I looked at the top 400 shows in …

I am an eternal optimist. As the pandemic goes on, my tolerance for an onslaught of bad news has diminished considerably. Instead, …

Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen a lot of analysis and speculation about how COVID-19 has changed podcast consumption patterns. Some …

With well over a month of working-from-home, self-isolation, and lives turned upside down by the pandemic and the damage to economies across …

Over the past few weeks, I’ve read a lot of analysis and speculation about COVID-19’s impact on podcast consumption, specifically around time …

Over the last month, we’ve received a huge number of questions about podcasting during this pandemic. We’ve decided to share the most …

Many of the podcasts we make at Pacific Content are evergreen by design. We aim to tell stories that will be relevant and valuable …

Note from the Editor: This article has been updated to reflect the remote recording tools that we currently use at Pacific Content. Last …

So things are a little hairy right now for podcasters and media folks alike booking and recording interviews from the comfort of …