
Podcast Industry Blog

You’ve made a great podcast and once people hear it, they’ll tell all their friends and you’ll start raking in the downloads… …

Reviewing the podcast predictions industry experts made one year ago. Just about a year ago, we asked some of the smartest people …

Calculating the median age of all podcasts

Lessons in disconnection from Cal Newport, Jason Fried, and David Heinemeier Hansson

No, not this type of trailer Every podcast needs a trailer. Some podcasts should probably have more than one trailer. Even if you’ve already …

12% of podcasts have only published a single episode

What podcasters can learn from TV news Before I got into podcasting, I spent the first decade of my career working in …

In the spirit of Halloween, we have polled our team for their best (worst) podcast-themed costumes. The Trick? No podcasting advice or …

Update, December 2019: One year later, I re-ran this analysis using a larger sample size of 19 million podcast episodes. Find the updated data …

Your podcast is in a lot of different places. Which ones should you link to?